What is a “Profitable” Website? | Web Design Berkshires MA

  • Is your website draining your budget because it’s not providing any value for your business?
  • Is your website poorly designed and hard to navigate?
  • Do you even have a website at all?

Millions of people go online today to search for local products and services that they can trust. However, many businesses are leaving money on the table by not having a website.

Simply put, creating a web presence is a crucial consideration for all companies today. Even if you have stepped into the digital age by getting a website, do you know how well that website is working for your business?

You can’t throw up “any website” and expect it to work for you. As a business owner, nothing is worse than having a website that costing you money every month, but does not contribute to bringing in more sales.

Many business websites today suffer from being outdated, overwhelming, unprofessional, or simply lacks some crucial components. Even some larger companies have a lot of room for improvement when it comes to their corporate websites.

A website is an “official online representation” for any business. No matter how large or small your business is, you need a solid, effective website that will work effortlessly to generate more sales and profits for your company.

At a minimum, your website should:

1. Have a Clean, Professional Appearance

2. Be Easy to Navigate

3. Have a Lead Capture Tool Built-in

4. Have a Strong, Visible Call-to-Action

5. Contains Valuable Information

Internet usage has grown in massive numbers in recent years and is not expected to stop any time soon. As a result, our clients in Berkshire County MA and those located in different parts of the world are realizing that they need a website to remain relevant in the eyes of consumers, who expect every business to at least have a professional website.

Benefits of Having a “Profitable” Website

Once you have an effective website with all of the proper components built in, the marketing possibilities are pretty much endless – thanks to the intriguing world of Internet Marketing.

Here are some benefits that companies can experience by having a great business website:

  • A 24/7 Representation of Your Company on the Web – Businesses with professional websites can easily gain credibility and authority in their industries. A website is the perfect way to display your business’s products and/or services. It is also the ultimate place consumers can go to find out trusted information about your company.
  • Visitors Stay on Your Site Longer – With a properly designed, easy to use website, visitors will be more inclined to stick around and check it out even further instead of leaving never to return.
  • Powerful Sales Tool – With the proper conversion tools in place, your website could be the starting point for connecting with local consumers, building relationships with them, and turning them into repeat customers.
  • Easily Tap into Other Web Media – Websites allow you to connect with your local audience on many different levels of the Internet Marketing world, such as Social Media, Video Marketing, and much more.
  • A Way to Stay Ahead of the Competition – Consumers “expect” businesses to have websites these days. If you and your main competitor both had flyers floating around town, but they had a website address listed on their flyer and you didn’t, who do you think will receive the most attention? You guess it… Your competitor; especially from those consumers who are within reach of a web browser.

Getting Started with Your Website | Web Design Berkshires MA

Our main priority is to help businesses, organizations and individuals design the perfect websites to fit their particular needs. In the process, our main focus is to make sure that your website is built to generate more leads, sales, and profits for your business.

If you are considering a new company website – or want to improve your existing website, contact us today!
Get Started Today: No Obligation Website Consultation
Phone: (413) 884-3439
Emaill: info@i3marketingagency.com
Address: 228 Main Street, Suite 404 Williamstown, MA 01267
Web Designer: Jeff Stripp