Social Media Marketing Tips that will Make or Break Your Business If you are not using social media as part of the marketing strategy for your business, then the only thing you are accomplishing is losing business to your competitors. Your competitors are using social media to
Read more →Brought to you by one of the finest designers out there – Adam Ladd. Your logo and visual identity is the fabric of your company’s personality — your brand image. Where do get your logo design inspiration? Your logo design needs to be something that your fans
Read more →OMG – where do people find the time for flying people around New York City? Actually, the makers of Chronicle do a great job promoting YouTube Videos for a pretty cool promotion that is creating buzz for the new superhero film ‘Chronicle’ [youtube_sc url= width=430]
Read more →When you have a free moment take the four minutes and watch this video montage through the eyes of Twitter – recapping the Year 2011 through some of the most important “tweets” of the year… A good example of how Twitter is effecting our world on a
Read more →Thanks for stopping by i3 Marketing. Stay tuned as we prepare to launch our new website. If you would like to be updated about our launch please fill in the form to the right for more details… In the meantime, should you have any questions or immediate
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